Tuition & Pricing

All Combo Classes and the Beginner Acro will follow their own tuition scale of $42.00 per class.
Tuition is broken down into 9 payments throughout the year (see graphic).
If you pay your account in full by September 1st, you will receive 5% if paying with a check/cash and 3% off if paying with a credit/debit card.
Students taking 10+ classes will pay a max tuition amount of $375 per month.
Tuition is based on a course fee of 32 classes per year, not individual classes or weeks. All holidays and vacations have been accounted for. Make-up classes, due to inclement weather, will be provided at the discretion of the School.
Classes start September 13th and end on May 27th.
Family Discounts
We offer a family discount for immediate family members! First child is full price, 2nd child is 5% off, 3rd child is 10% off, and 50% off for the 4th child.
Families with 2+ children taking 10+ combined classes will be charged a max rate based on their total amount of classes.

Payment Policies
Tuition can be paid with cash, checks, credit cards and both Independent Health FlexFit and personalBest.
Tuition payments are to be mailed to the studio, placed in the drop box in the studio, or paid online on the first business day of the month. Any account not paid by the 10th of the month will be charged a late fee of $10.00 per unpaid installment. No student will be allowed to participate in classes if their account is past due by 2 months and arrangements have not been made with the school.
Only tuition, costumes, and recital tickets may be paid with a credit card. All other fees must be paid with cash or checks (including competition entry fees).
A 3.0% processing fee is charged to all credit card payments and 2.0% processing fee is charged to all ACH (eCheck) payments by our credit card service providers.
There is a $25.00 service charge for checks returned because of insufficient funds.
All accounts are required to have a credit or debit card on file
There are no refunds on dropped classes. You must finish out the month and the new tuition will be put in to effect the following month.
We must have a 30-day notice when a class is being dropped, or tuition will remain the same until written notice is provided to the studio.
Registration and Insurance Fees
An annual registration fee of $35.00 per student is due at the time of registration. Registration fees cover insurance for liability and accident insurance (while in the studio) beyond your own insurance carrier, newsletters, mailings and class placements.
Costume Fees
All costume payments are non-refundable after 11/1 as costume orders have already been placed and are non-refundable.
A $10 late fee will be charged to all accounts who have not placed a costume deposit on their account by November 10th, and an additional $10 late fee will be added per month that costumes are not paid in full after December 10th.
Recital Fee - Due with February tuition.
1 Dancer: $100.00
2 Dancers: $150.00
3+ Dancers: $175.00
This fee assists with the costs associated with recital day - leasing of the auditorium, program printed, video production, props, lighting, etc. By paying this fee, each dancer also receives a recital t-shirt, video of our recital day and souvenir program!